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The Science Behind Mightier


Clinically validated to help kids build emotional regulation skills

Over a decade of Mightier research shows that Mightier helps reduce outbursts, strengthen emotional control and improve responses to real-life stressors.

Studies and Data

Mightier is evidence-based.

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87% of families see improvements in 90 days.

62% reduction in outbursts

Playing Mightier results in emotional and behavioral improvements.

Design: Double-blinded randomized sham-controlled trial


Boston Children's Hospital
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Positive behavioral changes are maintained after kids stop playing.

Behavioral change is maintained after kids stop playing.

Design: Double-blinded randomized sham-controlled trial


Massachusetts General Hospital

Rage control: Teaching Emotional Self-Regulation Through Videogame Play. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. 2017

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Play-based intervention works for anger

Mightier prototype reduces anger in youth.

Design: Open-label compared to treatment as usual


Boston Children's Hospital
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Mightier works within homes. Parents see improvement.

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More emotional awareness, confidence, and communication

Mightier play linked with calming strategies in real life situations.

Design: Cross sectional data from Mightier customers

Location: Home use of Mightier

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87% of parents see improvements in 90 days

Mightier play improves primary symptons.

Design: Repeated measures data from Mightier customers

Location: Home use of Mightier

Mightier parent rated improvement survey 6/2018 – 3/2020

Mightier + therapy is more effective than therapy alone.

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Immediate and long-term benefits for kids with ADHD

Mightier improves outcomes for kids with ADHD.

Design: Review of published and customer data

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Mightier + ABA leads to 45% improvement in symptoms

Mightier + ABA is more effective than ABA alone.

Design: Randomized controlled trial

Location: Keyocare and Aces and additional ABA clinics in California

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Kids removed from class less often

Playing Mightier in school counseling improves in-class behavior.

Design: Open label

Location: Public Schools in Brookline, MA and Quebec, Canada.

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The future of pediatric mental health care.

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Reducing pediatric mental health care costs

An ongoing study with the national institute of health.

Design: Blinded randomized controlled trial

Location: Participants across the US

How it works

The Mightier loop

Emotional regulation is the ability to notice, name and manage your feelings. It is a skill that is developed over time with practice.

Mightier turns emotional regulation into a game. Kids see how frustration, anxiety or excitement influence their heart rate. They learn that it is more challenging to accomplish tasks when their heart rate is up. Through the game, kids are motivated and rewarded for using calming strategies that help them build emotional regulation. By practicing in the game, they begin to internalize strategies and apply them to their daily lives.

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Mightier Tablet and games

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