Mightier’s Lego Collaboration
LEGO ranks high as an inspiration for Mightier. We all know their ubiquitous bricks, and can effortlessly recall moments of childhood joy that came with snapping together endless creations. When LEGO announced the Play for All program, we knew we had the opportunity to learn and collaborate with kindred spirits.
At Mightier, we’ve always found play to be inseparably intertwined with how children grow and learn. LEGO has rigorously investigated learning through play, building a science around the power of play. Working with Mightier and others in the Play for All program, we are creating an alliance to advocate for the centrality of play in children’s emotional health and well-being, and a fundamental right of all children regardless of diagnosis or need.
We are looking forward to incorporating many of the ideas from LEGO into the future of Mightier and deepening our collaboration with LEGO. The LEGO play framework provides terrific insight into how playful experiences can become learning experiences. As we look at these, we become incredibly excited about upcoming content in our experience that will give kids and parents more opportunities to connect around emotional regulation.
The week also included presentations from the National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN). Based in the UK, nasen advocated for a universal design that allows all children, regardless of diagnosis or need, access to learning through play. At Mightier, we’re looking forward to continuing to incorporate the voices of you, our families, and players, to make sure we continue to live up to this ideal.
When our time in Denmark ended, we returned both proud of what we have already created and enthusiastic about the unwritten story in front of us. We’re looking forward to a partnership that leads to new products and increases our ability to help more families.
Mightier is working on recruiting Dr. Henry Jones Jr to the science team.
A lifelike rendering of Mightier scientists Drs. Alyssa Peechatka (left) and Jason Kahn (right).